Upon entering Granada, the guest is enveloped by the unique atmosphere of charm and refinement that the combination of pink and brown colors provides. The natural color of the wooden furniture has been preserved. The elegant setting is completed by the Maria Tereza crystal chandelier over the bed. The suite is the perfect place to live unforgettable moments.
Residential development, the Valley of the Woods
Rua das Flores, 171 – Belverede neighborhood
CEP 95670-242 – Gramado – RS
WhatsApp +55 (54) 3295-7721
Telefone +55 (54) 3295-7700
[email protected]
Aceitamos todos os cartões de créditos em até 4X sem juros. Taxa de turismo da Prefeitura de Gramado e 3% de ISS não inclusos. Desconto de 5% no PIX.
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