Discover the wonders of the South
In addition to the country's unusually low temperatures, the region explores the aesthetics of cold as a real ingredient. It takes the concept of the cold season and brings it closer to the most characteristic practices: rich gastronomy, lots of charm, cinematic landscapes and a beautiful encounter with snow.
Many guests wonder if there are enough attractions for many days in the region. Yes, Serra Gaúcha is one of the most desired destinations by tourists from all over Brazil and offers a variety of attractions. Whether for the mild climate, the exuberant nature, the typical architecture or the gastronomic options, Serra is the best option for couples, friends or the whole family.
With German and Italian predominance, Gramado, Canela, Nova Petrópolis, Caxias do Sul, Bento Gonçalves and Garibaldi, are connected by the RS 235 highway, considered one of the most beautiful roads in the country, and also called “Região das Hortênsias”, where in spring and summer, the flowering season, create a spectacle in itself.
A cidade turística mais encantadora do Brasil, possui diversas opções de passeios e compras, excelente gastronomia e abrigo de surpresas encantadoras para toda a família, como o Mini Mundo, Lago Negro, Rua Coberta, Le Jardin Parque de Lavanda, Snowland e muito mais. E, claro, o Natal Luz, “A maior festa natalina do Brasil”, que deixa toda cidade decorada e colorida, encantando a todos.
Conhecida pelos atrativos naturais, como a Cascata do Caracol, um dos cartões-postais do Rio Grande do Sul. Já na praça principal da cidade, a Catedral de Pedra, com torre de 65 metros de altura e carrilhão com 12 sinos, encanta com a beleza em estilo gótico inglês. A cidade também já estreou o Especial Sonho de Natal, que emociona e resgata a simbologia natalina na região.
Nova Petrópolis
Cultiva os costumes dos imigrantes alemães. Conhecida como o Jardim da Serra Gaúcha, preserva suas ruas e praças sempre floridas, especialmente na praça central, onde está localizado o famoso labirinto verde, feito com arbustos que diverte e desafia os visitantes. No Parque Esculturas Pedras do Silêncio, a história da imigração alemã é contada através de esculturas: a saga, as profissões, grandes personalidades, a cultura e tradição.
Considerada Capital Brasileira do Espumante, conta com a centenária vinícola Peterlongo e também a vinícola Garibaldi, ambas no centro da cidade. Sua história e arquitetura são incrivelmente conservados e convidam a passeios inesquecíveis a pé pela cidade. A Peterlongo é a única vinícola brasileira (e do mundo, fora da França) que possui o direito de usar no rótulo dos seus produtos o termo “champanhe” – um aportuguesamento da denominação “champagne”.
Serra Gaúcha
A Serra Gaúcha também proporciona experiências incríveis para os amantes dos vinhos, a famosa Rota da Uva e Vinho na região do Vale dos Vinhedos, proporciona aos visitantes conhecer as principais vinícolas do país.
São inúmeros os motivos para convidar quem você ama, a família e os amigos para se encantarem com a maravilhosa região da Serra Gaúcha. Se hospedar no Castelo Saint Andrews completa a experiência única e inesquecível..
It is a place where simplicity and refinement harmonize and where the climate, colors, charms, flavors and programs specific to each season, combined with excellent shopping options, make walks around Gramado a source of inspiration to create and recreate life.
Main tourist attractions:
Covered Street
Black Lake
Festivals Palace
Saint Peter's Church
Crooked Street
Avenida Borges de Medeiros
Municipal Culture Center
Lake Joaquina Rita Bier
Faça uma viagem ao mundo das maravilhas!
Somos um restaurante temático inspirado no conto Alice no País das Maravilhas. É a única experiência que conta uma história atemporal, verdadeira e elegante, entregando arte, gastronomia e atendimento de alta qualidade.
Created by a Frenchman established in the region in 1948, Vitivinícola Jolimont is one of the pioneers in the State in the production of fine and artisanal wines.
The 27 hectares cultivated are at an altitude of 830 meters, combined with the climatic conditions, the mountainous topography and the excellent condition of the soil, allow the fruits to ripen perfectly, forming the ideal Terroir: a set of factors that contributes to the production of a rare wine , with a unique personality. More than that, from this Terroir of Vale do Morro Calçado comes the secret of the identity of a noble wine, with an inexplicable sensation, revealed only on the palate.
The Tour du Vin
The Tour du Vin is an immersive experience in the world of wine. A Wine Tourism tour that will allow you to discover the day-to-day life of a Serra Gaúcha Winery. ?Jolimont is the first winery to bring the virtual reality experience to the world of wine. Experience the entire wine production.
Visit, taste, fall in love!
Make your experience in Gramado and Canela even more unforgettable!
Visit to the Prawer chocolate factory.
A pioneer in artisanal chocolate, and a partner of Saint Andrews, Prawer produces the best chocolates in Gramado and Brazil.
A tour that cannot be left out of the itinerary.
O Garden Park Gramado é um refúgio natural, com 4500 metros de trilhas, caminhos e jardins, cercado pela imponente mata nativa da Serra Gaúcha. Idealizado para proporcionar experiências únicas de conexão com a natureza, vivendo cada espaço desse verdadeiro oásis de tranquilidade.
Uma experiência com 8 salas imersivas e interativas, simuladores, VRs e um planetário com um filme de média-metragem produzido pelo Museu de História Natural de NY. Venha maravilhar-se com itens ORIGINAIS da NASA referente aos Projetos MERCURY, GEMINI e APOLLO.
Trattoria que leva a tradição da marca RAR e oferece o melhor da enogastronomia do Vêneto, no Centro de Gramado, um empório de produtos nacionais e importados premium. Viva uma experiência única na Serra Gaúcha!
Uma experiência com 8 salas imersivas e interativas, simuladores, VRs e um planetário com um filme de média-metragem produzido pelo Museu de História Natural de NY. Venha maravilhar-se com itens ORIGINAIS da NASA referente aos Projetos MERCURY, GEMINI e APOLLO.
Natal Luz de Gramado allows you to daydream and return to feelings that have been hidden within your heart for a long time. Countless shows and events spread across the city create sensations, excite the public and revive the symbolism of Christmas. A grand Christmas, a Christmas adventure, a Christmas party, a Christmas fable, a Christmas Parade, Christmas songs, transform an entire city.
And, when you arrive in Gramado, everything happens, you just have to want it, because…
“Here I Believe in the Magic of Christmas Again!”
We live in a time when children and grandchildren are scattered around the planet, looking for other opportunities and experiences. Young people gain wings, go out into the world and their parents' and grandparents' homes are filled with longing and memories. This season is a time for reunions, it's time to return home, reinforce our roots and affections, remember the true spirit of Christmas and live an unforgettable Happy Night!
The world has changed, and more than ever love and faith will make a difference in rebuilding dreams and restoring hope. It is with this spirit that the 38th edition of Natal Luz de Gramado will illuminate the streets and squares of the Magic City of Natal, from October 26, 2023 to January 21, 2024.
Find out more by visiting: Natal Luz de Gramado
(Images and publicity texts – Source:
Discover Gramado by Bike!
Cycling is a rare moment of inner connection, and Gramado can provide unforgettable experiences, especially for photography lovers.
Your tour begins in the Castle gardens, the sumptuous gate already creates a beautiful setting.
Arriving at the center, the first stop is at Praça das Etnias, where you can smell the aroma of bread and cakes, which are baked in the Colonial Ovens (farmers arrive at 4am to light the fire and have everything warm early); o Warehouse of colonial products; the Portuguese House; the Italian Immigration House (with a magnificent collection from Gramado's ancestors) and the colonial fruit and vegetable fairs that take place alongside local artisans.
Next, the most photographed spot in Gramado is Rua das Flores, which tourists call Rua Torta. At the top you can visit the Major Nicoletti Museum, the 1919 house hosts traveling exhibitions and also has a café.
Continuing on the outskirts, you reach Praça das Bandeiras and the image of Kikito – God of Good Humor, an iconic statuette of the Gramado Film Festival awards. Then the most beloved space by Gramado residents, the Joaquina Rita Bier Lake and the Municipal Culture Center which comprises, in addition to traveling exhibitions, the collection of the old Gramado Parque Hotel, one of the first in Gramado. There is also Vila Joaquina, where the huts of the old hotel house creative spaces. Just behind the village you will find a Brizoleta (former RGS wooden schools) and another square for photos and rest. From there you can head to Lago Negro.
Heading towards the heart of Gramado, the center as we call it, Avenida Borges de Medeiros is a scene due to its always flowering and well-kept flowerbeds. The Igreja Matriz São Pedro and, next door, the Chafariz do Amor, a place to put your love padlock. We recommend the Cinema Festival Museum, interactive and modern, located next to the Festivals Palace.
You can consult other tours and see the Cicloturimo Route, through the Gramado colonies in Gramado Unforgettable website
Before leaving, make your reservation for a special dinner with Chef Fernando Becker, and end your day in an exquisite way.
Important: Wear a helmet, while cycling do not use your phone, do not travel on the wrong side of the road and always stay in single file. Be careful when opening car doors.
Residential development, the Valley of the Woods
Rua das Flores, 171 – Belverede neighborhood
CEP 95670-242 – Gramado – RS
WhatsApp +55 (54) 3295-7721
Telefone +55 (54) 3295-7700
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